In a groundbreaking achievement, India marked history on January 6 as its solar observatory, Aditya-L1, successfully entered its designated orbit around Lagrange Point 1, situated 1.5 million kilometers India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi praised the accomplishment, highlighting the scientists’ relentless dedication in realizing this complex space mission.
The Aditya-L1 mission, launched by the Indian Space Research Organisation (Isro) on September 2, reached its critical phase with the Halo-Orbit Insertion (HOI). This intricate maneuver demanded precise navigation and control, showcasing India’s space capabilities.
The L1 point, known as Lagrange Point 1, plays a crucial role in Aditya-L1’s orbit. This region’s gravitational forces allow the spacecraft to be parked in a halo orbit—an oval that shifts on three axes.
The spacecraft’s journey began with a low-Earth orbit, followed by adjustments to its elliptical path and propulsion towards the final destination. After leaving Earth’s gravitational influence, the cruise phase initiated, leading to the recent historic moment.
During the final maneuvers on Saturday, control engines were fired briefly to adjust the craft’s speed and orient it towards the halo orbit, ensuring minimal fuel consumption. The successful insertion not only highlights Isro’s prowess in complex orbital maneuvers but also instills confidence for future interplanetary missions.
Explaining the process, an Isro official mentioned the craft’s movement towards L1 in the direction of the Sun. The final firing aligned the spacecraft with the halo orbit, preventing it from moving towards the Sun.
India’s Prime Minister Modi emphasized the achievement as a “landmark,” recognizing it as a testament to the nation’s dedication to pushing the boundaries of space exploration. Aditya-L1’s presence in orbit promises at least five years of significant solar observations, contributing to scientific advancements for the benefit of humanity.