The creators of ‘HanuMan’ generously gave Rs 2.66 crore for the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya. The movie is also doing really well at the box office.
The creators of Teja Sajja’s movie ‘HanuMan’ donated Rs 2.66 crore for Ayodhya’s Ram Mandir inauguration. Before this, they had given Rs 14 lakh from their first-day earnings. The film was released on January 12, and this donation comes ahead of the grand ‘Pran Pratishtha’ ceremony for the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya. They shared an official note about it.
“HanuMan’ Makers Donate Rs 2.66 Crore for Ayodhya’s Ram Temple; Total Contribution Now Rs 14 Lakh + 2.66 Crore”
In an extraordinary move, the creators of ‘HanuMan’ contributed a substantial sum of Rs 2.66 crore for the opening of Ayodhya’s Ram Mandir. The total contribution, including an earlier donation of Rs 14 lakh from the film’s first-day earnings, highlights their commitment to this noble cause. The announcement was made at the pre-release event in Hyderabad, where chief guest Megastar Chiranjeevi praised the team’s decision to donate Rs 5 from each ticket. The film has surpassed Rs 100 crore at the box office, marking a significant milestone.
During the ‘HanuMan‘ pre-release event in Hyderabad on January 7, Megastar Chiranjeevi shared a significant announcement. The ‘HanuMan’ team has decided to donate Rs 5 from every ticket sold for their film towards the construction of Ram Mandir. This decision reflects the producer’s religious values and a sense of fulfillment for the community. Director Prasanth Varma explained that, regardless of the film’s success, the producer committed to donating from the first day’s collection, already contributing around Rs 14 lakh, with potential for more as the film gains popularity