The BJP-ruled Gujarat government unveiled its budget for the fiscal year 2024-25, presenting a robust financial plan amounting to Rs 3.32 lakh crore. Finance Minister Kanubhai Desai revealed the budgetary details in the Assembly during the second day of the Budget Session, emphasizing the government’s commitment to fiscal prudence and social welfare.
Desai highlighted key features of the budget, which notably imposes no new taxes on the citizens of Gujarat. The budget outlay of Rs 3,32,465 crore marks a substantial increase of Rs 31,444 crore, reflecting a growth rate of 10.44 percent compared to the previous fiscal year.
With a projected surplus of 146.72 crore, the government’s financial strategy aims to stimulate economic growth while maintaining fiscal discipline. The budget prioritizes initiatives aimed at uplifting the marginalized sections of society, with a particular focus on the welfare of the poor, youth, farmers, and women.
Under the newly proposed ‘Namo Lakshmi’ scheme, girls studying in government, aided, and private schools from Classes 9 to 12 will receive financial assistance of Rs 50,000 over four years of their education. The budget allocates Rs 1,250 crore for this program, reflecting the Gujarat Government’s commitment to promoting girls’ education and empowerment.
Additionally, the ‘Namo Shri’ scheme intends to provide assistance of Rs 12,000 to pregnant women from backward and economically disadvantaged sections. A provision of Rs 750 crore has been set aside for this initiative, emphasizing the government’s focus on maternal and child healthcare.
The budget also encompasses measures to enhance urban governance, including the conversion of seven municipalities into municipal corporations. Furthermore, the introduction of the ‘Jan Rakshak’ scheme aims to streamline emergency services by centralizing access to police and fire brigade assistance through a single helpline number, 112.
In a bid to spur infrastructure development, the budget outlines plans for the extension of the Sabarmati riverfront to GIFT-City in Gandhinagar, encompassing Phases 4 and 5 of the project.
While emphasizing fiscal prudence, the government aims to provide relief to citizens by easing certain provisions of the Motor Vehicle Act and stamp duty, amounting to a total relief of Rs 754 crore.
The budget underscores the Gujarat Government’s commitment to inclusive growth and social welfare, laying the foundation for sustainable development and prosperity across Gujarat.